Why Join?

Member Benefits

Continuing Education

Earn CEUs conveniently and at a lower cost at the NCCA Annual Conference.  Visit the “Annual Conference” webpage to learn more.

Professional Development

  • Expand your professional network and education through opportunities such as attending the annual conference and division events
  • Serve in a Board position, on a committee, or get involved with a Division
  • Each year, several awards are presented to members in recognition of professional excellence and service

Reduced Conference Fees

Receive a reduced price on the NCCA Annual Conference, and NCCA and Division events.


Join one or more Divisions to further enhance your profession in a specialized area.  Divisions are recognized by the American Counseling Association, provide leadership and educational opportunities, and have a voice in NCCA governance.

Career Center

Find available positions or post a job on the NCCA “Career Center”. 


Receive quarterly newsletters with detailed information on issues and events affecting NC counselors.

Contact [email protected] to submit an article or announcement for the newsletter.

NCCA Listserv

Receive regular email updates on events and issues of interest to NC counselors.

Counselor Advocacy

The NCCA Government Relations Committee advocates for legislation and policy which benefits NC counselors and the counseling profession. Receive NCCA and ACA legislative updates through email. Check the Government Relations section of the web site for information on current issues.